Friday, 18 November 2016

Drug for diabetes type 2 with neurologic disorder :: Symptoms and causes - Type 2 diabetes..

As a basis for creating the patient's plan of care, the nurse collects information about lifestyle and social history. In many obese people, the food signals do not work properly, and these people's brains do not recognize when they have eaten a sufficient meal. A neurological disorder is any disorder of the nervous system. Structural, the primary type of dysfunction involved, or the primary type of cause. To compound the problem, diabetic ischemia of the lower legs slows the healing of injuries and encourages infections. If lifestyle changes are not effective or become insufficient to keep A1C values low, medication may be added to the management program. Twenty to 40% of people with diabetes develop a characteristic kidney damage called diabetic nephropathy (ADA, 2011). pathological condition e.g. brain hemorrhage due to coagulation disorder, drug effect) or structural neurologic Neurologic complications of diabetes mellitus An occupational therapist consultation with the patient and family to address issues inherent to the home setting and activities of daily living is also important to consider for patients with autonomic neuropathy (Burant & Young, 2012). Type II diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that can lead to as a novel target for diabetes drug Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/drug However, if two different tests (e.g, A1C and FPG) are both above the diagnostic thresholds, the diagnosis of diabetes is also confirmed. Dyslipidemia increases a person's chances of developing cardiovascular diseases. Statin drugs are the most effective medications for controlling total and LDL cholesterol. Nevertheless, periodic monitoring of liver function is recommended. In addition, they should measure their blood glucose level when they get symptoms of hypoglycemia and when they develop another illness. Diet. In general, the diabetic diet is geared toward providing adequate nutrition with sufficient calories to maintain normal body weight; the intake of food is adjusted so that blood sugar and serum cholesterol levels are kept within acceptable limits. In some cases, this must make up for an absolute lack of insulin from the pancreas. The ADA's recommendations also include consideration of low-dose aspirin therapy (75-162 mg/day) (Burant & Young, 2012; ADA, 2011). Come here. Type 2 diabetes: Type 2 diabetes: Introduction; Symptoms; Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the body does not respond to the Type 2 diabetes: The American Diabetes Association says that single tablets of one dosage are often less expensive than two smaller tablets of half the dosage (a 500 mg tablet can cost less than two 250 mg tablets). The nongenetic contributions to a person's obesity can start in the womb. Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke. Here you can read posts from all over the web from people who wrote about Neurological Disorders and Type 2 Diabetes, type II diabetes drug neurologic The U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2014) estimates that over 29 million Americans have diabetes.

At each visit with a patient, it is important to ask whether the patient is taking any herbs or supplements to help treat diabetes or other health conditions. Insulin should replace oral drugs in women who become pregnant. Metformin is the only biguanide commercially available in the US. The patient is taught the importance of maintaining normal blood pressure levels (120/80 mm Hg or lower). The many necessary interactions with a patient, especially at the beginning of therapy, should be coordinated based on each patient's individual needs among the team. The best weight loss results come from structured programs that include individualized counseling, meals with reduced calories and fats, regular physical activity, and frequent contacts with a professional advisor. Waist circumference is determined by measuring around the smallest (minimal) circumference anywhere in the waist region (below the ribs and above the top margins of the hip bones). Patients with type 2 diabetes and major depressive disorder spent a significant amount of time experiencing Severe Neurologic Disorder With BIA 10 Drug Both hyperglycemia and higher-than-normal circulating insulin levels (hyperinsulinemia) increase the existing insulin resistance. Patients with type 2 diabetes should be monitored for distal polyneuropathy. The key to a successful rehabilitation program is individualization. The chronic complications of diabetes are caused by the macroscopic damage that occurs after the accumulation of 10 to 20 years of microscopic damage. A key part of the patient education program is teaching patients how to check their blood glucose levels. At each visit, the patient's nails, skin, and joints of both of the feet should be examined. This group may also have an increase in frequency of diabetes during the reproductive years, which may increase diabetes in the next generation (Dabelea et al, 2014). Aspects of a person's eating patterns are learned, but other parts are inborn and probably genetic. Antidiabetic herbal formulation for diabetes que The two most common acute complications are diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state. Much of the glucose in our bodies comes directly from the carbohydrates in our food. In the initial patient interview, Brian states that he has fallen on the job at least five times during the past six months. People with diabetes who already have microalbuminuria can slow its progression to diabetic nephropathy by the same interventions. During and after surgery, plasma glucose (and ketones if hyperglycemia suggests the need) should be measured at least every 2 h. Toenails should be cut, preferably by a podiatrist, straight across and not too close to the skin. A: People with type 2 diabetes can have the disease for many years before symptoms appear. The team of health professionals caring for a person with diabetes should take a holistic approach to caring for their patient's health. These drugs work locally (in the intestine) and temporarily (Burant & Young, 2012). Diabetic patients are more likely than most nondiabetic patients to present with a variety of comorbidities. This reduces the blood flow to many areas of the body and causes permanent tissue damage, notably to the retinas and the kidneys. The health problems of diabetes are caused directly from hyperglycemia, and the medical diagnosis of the disease is not based on its cause but rather on evidence of persistent high plasma glucose levels, regardless of the cause. Avoid hazards such as going barefoot, extreme heat or cold, and wearing tight socks or shoes. When there is excess intra-abdominal fat, the person has a round, apple shape. The best way for a patient to learn how to estimate the carbohydrate content of his meals is through individualized education sessions with certified diabetes educators (ADA, 2014b). Herpes simplex virus type 2 is not the This disorder is almost always Increasing the dose of acyclovir for the treatment of drug-resistant HSV infections The damage can decrease a patient's ability to sense actual pain, and at the same time, it can cause phantom burning pain, especially at night. A: A moderate amount of alcohol in your diet can reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure and other heart and artery problems. Today, ophthalmologists have laser therapy and vitrectomy procedures that can slow and sometimes stop the progressive loss of vision (Rosenblatt & Benson, 2004). Although not absolutely necessary, some clinicians recommend that patients with type 2 diabetes take a daily supplement of 0.4-1.0 mg folic acid, 0.4 mg vitamin B12, and 10 mg pyroxidine (Franz & Evert, 2012). C-peptide is an unnecessary protein, and it is released into the bloodstream along with insulin.

Drug for diabetes type 2 with neurologic disorder

It is also best for those who drink alcohol to do so with food, especially at night, in order to avoid a later episode of hypoglycemia. New strategies for prevention, early detection, and treatment may need to be developed and implemented as this new generation of patients with type 2 diabetes matures. TZDs may cause peripheral edema, especially in patients taking insulin, and may worsen heart failure in susceptible patients. Registered nurses: Work closely with the primary care provider, patient, family, and other team members to educate and support the patient and family as the plan of care and treatment are initiated. Nurses and diabetes educators may be the primary point of contact for discussing the results of laboratory tests as a patient's progress is tracked. For these patients, bariatric surgery is an option. A general term for diseases marked by excessive urination and elevated blood sugar, esp. Cardiovascular Disease. In addition, it may be difficult to control glucose adequately in hospitalized patients because usual routines (eg, timing of meals, drugs, and procedures) are inflexibly timed relative to diabetes treatment regimens. Your physician will set up a program that includes specialists who will help you to plan meals and exercise routines. However, diabetes could be prevented in these dogs if a piece of pancreas was sewn under the dog's skin, and this suggested that the pancreas made a substance that prevented diabetes. In other words, even when secreting high levels of insulin, their pancreas does not keep up with the demand. Likewise, artificial (non-nutritive) sweeteners-such as neotame, saccharine, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, stevia, and aspartame-are safe in moderation for people with diabetes (Franz & Evert, 2012). Two falls occurred when he tripped over a large wooden crate and three occurred when he may have tripped on something but wasn't sure what. Mixed drinks can also contain significant amounts of carbohydrates, so people with diabetes should pay attention to the content of their drinks. There is a very strong chance that affected people will eventually develop overt type 2 DM. In addition to the falls, Brian also complains of slight numbness, tingling, and decreased sensation in his feet over the past several months. Approx. 45,000 lower-extremity diabetic amputations are performed in the U. Most often, diabetes occurred in obese people older than 50 years of age. A chronic metabolic disorder marked by hyperglycemia. For effective treatment, detecting retinal damage early is critical. Pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus, including functions of the pancreas and the long-term effects of uncontrolled diabetes. People with diabetes get cataracts earlier and with a higher frequency than people without diabetes. Attempts to extract this substance failed because the pancreas also makes a number of destructive enzymes, the presence of which in the extracts would destroy the key anti-diabetes substance. By controlling their blood glucose levels, people with type 2 diabetes reduce the likelihood of having heart and artery problems. The general solution is for people who take insulin or insulin secretagogues to eat additional carbohydrates before exercising. Overweight diabetic patients should limit caloric intake until target weight is achieved. The new treatment with insulin, however, began to highlight a number of other differences. Many patients with type 2 diabetes live sedentary lives. Plant sterols and stanols (types of natural vegetable fats) can lower blood cholesterol levels and are good substitutes for other fats (Franz & Evert, 2012). In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas produces little or no insulin because the beta cells (the insulin-making endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas) are not functioning. Patients may also want to wear supportive compression stockings to increase venous return (Unger, 2013). Diabetes mellitus (DM) For type 2 diabetes mellitus: Type 2 diabetes involves varying degrees hepatic insulin resistance Pathologic changes in the small blood vessels serving the kidney lead to nephrosclerosis, pyelonephritis, and other disorders that eventually result in renal failure. Anti-diabetes drug therapy may be considered for patients with prediabetes who are unable to control their blood sugar with weight loss and exercise. Successful management of diabetes requires that the patient actively participate in and be committed to the regimen of care. They should be encouraged to examine their feet every day, and they should be counseled on how to care for their skin and toenails and how to choose appropriate footwear. For each meal, a good general guide is to recommend that patients start with 45 to 60 grams of carbohydrates and adjust according to their individual needs (Franz & Evert, 2012). These may include nausea, vomiting, dizziness on arising, intoxication, delirium, coma, or death. There are also other specific types, such as gestational diabetes and impaired glucose homeostasis. A: The American Diabetes Association has helpful information and advice on its website or by phone (see Resources at the end of this course). Hypoglycemia can cause unconsciousness and, if not corrected by the addition of glucose to the bloodstream, can eventually be fatal. Patients should try to add resistance exercises to their weekly schedule to increase muscle strength. Experience and detailed information about the individual patient are needed for this decision (Burant & Young, 2012). Type 2 diabetes is now considered a worldwide epidemic. Obesity and weight gain are important determinants of insulin resistance in type 2 DM. The direct causes for type 2 diabetes include insulin resistance and abnormal insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells. And, most importantly, stop smoking. Diabetic ketoacidosis develops when there is so little insulin that the body begins to use fat as a major fuel. Diabetes was the name given to diseases in which a person continually drinks great quantities of fluid, which then pass through the body and are excreted as great quantities of urine. Excess blood glucose is stored in the liver and muscles as long chains (polysaccharides) called glycogens. Occasionally, patients should set an alarm and check their blood glucose level in the middle of the night. For people with type 2 diabetes, spacing meals roughly every 4 hours during the day is optimal (Giroaurd Mertig, 2012). You may also qualify for prescription assistance through patient assistance programs offered from the drug companies and other organizations. Please confirm that you would like to log out of Medscape. For feet with insufficient circulation or poor sensation, special shoes with individualized internal molds are needed so that the pressure of walking is distributed evenly; these patients should see a podiatrist along with a physical therapist to address strategies and management to decrease injury to the feet (Burant & Young, 2012). The nurse stresses that the ideal level is an A1C of <7.0 and goes over Sharon's personal goals for daily blood sugar checks as well as A1C testing every three months. The protocol for therapy is determined by the type of diabetes; patients with either type 1 or type 2 must pay attention to their diet and exercise regimens. This satiety blindness leads to overeating and weight gain. (etc) See accompanying table.) It is important for patients to become familiar with specific signs that are unique to themselves. The ease with which poorly controlled diabetic persons develop an infection is thought to be due in part to decreased chemotaxis of leukocytes, abnormal phagocyte function, and diminished blood supply because of atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels. When a person's fasting blood glucose levels are ≥126 mg/dl, the person is said to have diabetes. It is also called dysmetabolic syndrome, insulin resistance syndrome, obesity dyslipidemia syndrome, or syndrome X. Usually, it is a problem in the molecular mechanisms by which cells recognize the insulin molecule and then produce the intracellular effects of this recognition. When insulin injections are incorporated into the treatment of poorly controlled diabetes, patients feel better and they report that their quality of life has improved (Burant & Young, 2012). Serving sizes are usually listed in common terms, such as cups or pieces, as well as in metric amount (e.g, grams). Diabetic patients may have ulcers and skin erosions, especially in places on the peripheral extremities that are bumped frequently, such as the pretibial regions and the feet. Inpatients who are able to eat may continue usual outpatient regimens; others may be appropriately treated with basal insulin without or with supplemental short-acting insulin. Some believe that diabetics inherit the tendency to develop severe atherosclerosis as well as an aberration in glucose metabolism, and that the two are not necessarily related. Learn about peripheral neuropathy causes such as diabetes, alcohol, Peripheral neuropathy is disorder of nerve(s) Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes. This reabsorption is very efficient, even when there is an excess of blood glucose up to levels of about 180 mg/dl. Hyperglycemia develops when insulin secretion can no longer compensate for insulin resistance. The incretins are gastrointestinal hormones that have a number of hypoglycemic effects, including the stimulation of insulin secretion. Items in each group may be exchanged for each other in specified portions. For people on insulin therapy, missing a meal or exercising vigorously are the most common causes of hypoglycemia. The American Diabetes Association (1-800-DIABETES) estimates that more than 5 million Americans have type 2 DM without knowing it. Hypertension.

Therefore, at mild levels of hyperglycemia, some glucose begins to spill into the urine. Rehabilitation with support from physical and occupational therapists and prosthetists during the pre- and post-operative period are vital to the patient. The footnote area of the label provides information on Daily Values (DVs) for each nutrient listed and are based on public health experts' advice. A diabetic patient who already has kidney damage may already have retinopathy, so kidney damage is a warning that the patient should be seen by an ophthalmologist (ADA, 2011). Dyslipidemia (i.e, an unhealthy level of blood lipids) increases a person's risk of developing a variety of health problems, most notably atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Alternately, an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in the impaired range (140-199 mg/dl at 2 hours), again on two different days, can be used to diagnose prediabetes (ADA, 2011). Additionally, recent research suggests that insulin resistance may also result from immune system abnormalities, whereby certain immune cells create antibodies that attack fat cells instead of foreign substances. The following section of the label contains information about specific nutrients. These include tests of fasting plasma glucose levels, casual (randomly assessed) glucose levels, or glycosylated hemoglobin levels. The American Diabetes Association publishes an updated Consumer Guide in their magazine Diabetes Forecast that provides the latest updates on blood glucose testing meters and equipment, consumer health applications (apps), oral hypoglycemics, insulins, insulin delivery devices, and hypoglycemic treatments used by people with diabetes (see Resources at the end of this course). Hand or foot braces can compensate for muscle weakness or alleviate nerve compression. Drug Abuse in Pregnancy see Pregnancy and Substance Abuse; Pervasive Developmental Disorder see Autism Spectrum Disorder; Type 1 Diabetes see Diabetes Type 1; Because diabetes mellitus is not a single disease but rather a complex constellation of syndromes, each patient has a unique response to the disease process. online (etc) However, glucose control may prove difficult, and it is often neglected when other diseases are more acute. An annual dilated-eye examination provides the best information of the health of each eye and an indication of total vascular health. Even before type 2 diabetes develops, beta cell problems can be detected in glucose tolerance tests, which give abnormal test results in prediabetic individuals. A periodic record should be kept of serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels, and a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) should be calculated with each blood test. Gestational Diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a form of type 2 diabetes, usually temporary, that first appears during pregnancy. It usually develops during the third

A follow-up appointment is scheduled for three months later to assess how the patient is doing with initial management. In its latest guidelines, the AACE recommends that patients should aim for an A1C ≤6.5% (Handelsman et al, 2011), which differs slightly from the ADA's recommendation of <7% (ADA, 2011). Because of insulin resistance, some patients with type 2 DM require very large doses (> 2 units/kg/day). Individuals with diabetes are advised to keep their blood pressure below 130/80 mmHg, which is lower than the 140/90 mmHg or less recommended for the general population. When the kidney is no longer able to handle the excess ketones the patient develops ketosis. Currently, diabetes is incurable, and it takes daily management to prevent or delay further damage to the body. Patients with diabetes should be warned about the extra risks that foot injuries pose for them. Before the discovery and purification of insulin, diabetes was a fatal disease; after Banting and Best's work, diabetes became a chronic illness. From the remaining pancreatic tissue they extracted a hormone that would decrease the amount of sugar in the bloodstream and in the urine of diabetic dogs. Contribution of metformin to life-threatening lactic acidosis is controversial, but the drug is thought to be contraindicated in patients at risk of acidemia (including those with renal insufficiency [creatinine ≥ 1.4 mg/dL], heart failure, hypoxia or severe respiratory disease, alcoholism, other forms of metabolic acidosis, or dehydration). After a meal, the person's blood insulin level rises quickly, and in an hour it reaches a peak about 5 times the fasting level. By the early 1800s, pancreatic damage was recognized in autopsies of people who died of diabetes, and late in that century German scientists showed that removing the pancreas from a dog would cause diabetes in the animal. Alarmingly, data from the latest National Healthcare Disparities Report, issued by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), suggest that care for people with diabetes is worsening rather improving. Signs and symptoms ofhyperglycemia andhypoglycemia, and measures to take when they occur. On the other hand, too much alcohol may have the opposite effect and excess alcohol can produce serious problems for people with diabetes. Insulin resistance is one of the two key disorders underlying type 2 diabetes. The nurse counsels Barb that, although natural supplements may produce positive effects, they may lower blood sugar to dangerous levels when used in combination with prescription medications, and their use must be closely monitored. Limited Time Offer, Buy It Now! The healthy fasting level of blood sugar is less than 126 mg of glucose per 100 ml of plasma (126 mg/dl). One approach is to add 6 to 10 units of regular insulin to 1 L of 5% dextrose in 0.9% saline solution or water infused initially at 100 to 150 mL/h on the morning of surgery based on the plasma glucose level. This system is the most accurate method for calculating insulin to food intake. His blood pressure has gradually been increasing over the past two years as well, with a current measurement of 140/88. The ADA recommends that nutrition therapy for people with type 2 diabetes should be an ongoing process throughout the management of their condition. This predisposition is not clearly understood. Clinical Manifestations. In a healthy diet, proteins should contribute about 15% to 20% of a day's total calories (Franz & Evert, 2012). Metformin should not be given to people who are being treated for congestive heart failure. If it had been subcutaneous fat cells that were releasing the excess fatty acids, the newly released insulin would turn off the tap by slowing or stopping the fatty acid release. The goals of nutrition care after surgery are to provide adequate energy and nutrition to support lean body mass during extreme weight loss, support tissue healing, and encourage foods and liquids that maximize weight loss and promote weight maintenance while minimizing side effects of reflux, dumping syndrome, and early satiety (Franz & Evert, 2012). The dependence of the brain on continuous supplies of glucose makes it crucial that the body maintain sufficient blood glucose levels at all times. Capillary blood glucose monitoring can be used for screening large segments of the population. Sometimes, motor nerves are affected and muscles or reflexes are weakened. Core problems of metabolic syndrome are obesity and insulin resistance. The following graph shows the average plasma glucose levels that are indicated by various A1C values. Insoluble dietary fiber, such as cellulose (e.g, bran), speeds the movement of food through the digestive tract. As with insulin resistance, beta cell dysfunction precedes the development of overt hyperglycemia by many years (Burant & Young, 2012).

Metformin, a biguanide, is the classic insulin sensitizer. Another cause of diabetes is the inability of body tissues to respond sufficiently to normal amounts of insulin, or insulin resistance; here, the treatments include exercise, weight loss, and when needed, oral medications (i.e, insulin sensitizers) that increase tissue responsiveness to insulin. On the other hand, excess blood glucose can damage tissues. It reaches a steady state in 2 to 3 hours, it does not have a peak of activity, and it acts steadily for 20 to 24 hours. A repeat A1C test comes in at 6.6%, confirming a diagnosis of hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes. Polygenic type 2 diabetes usually occurs in older people, and it develops from a complex mix of genetic predispositions and outside factors. Retinopathy. Listed next, total carbohydrates are a key component, and patients should understand their goals for total carbohydrates for each meal and decide the portion size to match. In this way, the excess free fatty acids have indirectly triggered, at least temporarily, higher-than-normal levels of circulating insulin (i.e, hyperinsulinemia). The increase in prevalence of type 2 diabetes among children and adolescents is a new challenge for healthcare providers and the health system to monitor and manage. As with hypertension, the lifestyle changes recommended for treating type 2 diabetes will also improve a patient's dyslipidemia. How to! Diabetes drugs and neurological disorders: Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease characterised by insulin resistance with hyperglycaemia and Although the ideal would be an A1C of less than 6% (about 135 mg/dl), it is difficult for most people with diabetes to get these low A1C values without having significant periods of hypoglycemia (Burant & Young, 2012). Serving sizes are standard, making it easier to compare similar foods. Therapy usually includes having the patient sleep with the head of the bed elevated, avoid sudden posture changes by sitting or standing slowly, and wear full-length elastic stockings. If the illness makes you vomit or gives you diarrhea, you will get dehydrated even more quickly. Foot care should be part of the initial education of all patients diagnosed with diabetes (Burant & Young, 2012). The epidemic of obesity, the low level of physical activity among young people, and exposure to diabetes in utero may be contributing factors. If you are having trouble trimming your nails without cutting yourself, get help from a family member or go to a podiatrist for regular nail care. Kidney damage is a classic complication of diabetes. Therefore, it is important to monitor indicators of kidney function. In many patients, glucose levels are adequately controlled with lifestyle changes or oral drugs, but insulin should be added when glucose remains inadequately controlled by ≥ 2 oral drugs. The clinician assesses the patient as they walk, looking for uneven gait and checking shoes for uneven wear and for locations of excess pressure. Several tests are helpful in identifying DM. The increased appetite (polyphagia) is not as clearly understood. The water loss creates intense thirst and increased urination. Insulin is a protein molecule made in beta cells that are clustered in islets within the pancreas. It is at least as effective as SUs in reducing plasma glucose, rarely causes hypoglycemia, and can be safely used with other drugs and insulin. There is no need to avoid a moderate use of sucrose as a sweetener, and naturally occurring fructose is also not harmful. The patient is also scheduled to have a consultation with his primary care provider to discuss additional strategies and new medications that may be needed to manage his high blood pressure and dyslipidemia. Home blood glucose self-monitoring is indispensable in helping patients to adjust daily insulin doses according to test results and to achieve optimal long-term control of diabetes.
This includes assessment, management, and ongoing monitoring of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and obesity (Burant & Young, 2012). Walking and other foot pressures should be minimized while the wounds are healing. For these reasons, some physicians hospitalize hypoglycemic patients, especially older ones. Both moderate aerobic and moderate resistance exercises are recommended for adults over the age of 18 years, and the ADA concludes that it is reasonable for people with type 2 diabetes to follow this recommendation. All people with type 2 diabetes have insulin resistance. The nurse counsels him on the importance of a healthy diet, proper nutrition, and regular exercise. When a person has not eaten in many hours, the pancreas secretes about 2 units (0.09 mg) of insulin per hour. Antibiotics should be used at the first signs of infection. Red blood cells (and their hemoglobin) are replaced after about four months, and the amount of glycosylated hemoglobin at any one time reflects the average plasma glucose level over the last two to three months. When visceral fat is the source of excess free fatty acids, the natural balancing mechanisms do not work well, and the hyperinsulinemia persists. Diabetic patients who have autonomic neuropathy should be given a thorough cardiac examination before beginning a new exercise program. The drug should be withheld during surgery, administration of IV contrast, and any serious illness. Diabetes insipidus is rare, and even before the physiologic bases of the diseases were understood, when someone spoke simply of diabetes, they were usually referring to diabetes mellitus. The loss of these cells results in nearly complete insulin deficiency; without exogenous insulin, type 1 DM is rapidly fatal. It must be given by injection, usually subcutaneously, and because it is a potent drug, the dosage must be measured meticulously. The effects of long-acting insulins can last for up to a day. Another way to keep track of carbohydrates is through a standardized set of foods and portions in the form of exchange lists.

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