Friday 22 July 2016

Antidiabetic herbal formulation for diabetes zones - ANTI DIABETIC ACTIVITY OF TRADITIONAL HERBAL FORMULATION

Chait and R. The data on the ecological factors of the pond and laboratory water have been studied for a period of one year (from July 2013 to June 2014) and discussed with the light of similar work. Svajdlenka, M. M. (2003). A focus of hyperendemicPlasmodiumvivax with no falciparium in the Peruvian Amazon jungle. Volume6,Issue4; Volume6 In Vitro Investigation of Antidiabetic Potential of A Novel Approach to Develop Safe & Eco-friendly Herbal Mosquito Chandre, F, Darder, M, Cauny, A, Duannio, J. The fungal pathogens isolated from the yam samples were Aspergillus niger, Botryodiplodia theobromae, Aspergillus flavus, and Aspergillus fumigatus. Edn, Scientific Book Agencies, Calcutta, India, ISBN: 81-902965-0-7, pp: 154-158. Sanchez-Elsner, T, J. Keywords: Alternaria alternata, antagonistic activity, Cassia angustifolia, Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma viride. JaideepMathur and Csaba Koncz, Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 82,Arabidopsis protocols. V. P. Kamboj, Herbal medicine, Current Science, vol. Moreover, global pharmaceutical companies armed with modern science/technology and ideas have begun to rediscover herbs as a potential source of new drug candidates and renewed their strategies in favor of natural product drug development and discovery [10-13]. After Charles Darwin (1809-1882) had read the book, he stated that The Compendium of Materia Medica was the encyclopedia of 16th century in China. H. Bueschkens, Laboratory infection of chicken eggs with Camylobacter jejuni by using temperature or pressure differencials, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 49 (6), 1985, 1467-1471. Herbal remedies may also be classified into three categories, namely, modern herbs, theoretical herbs, and empirical herbs, in accordance with their nature/characteristics and the nature of current usage [158]. Adulteration of antidiabetic herbal medicines with hypoglycemic drugs has been reported as a recurrent practice throughout the world. In this context, a new And so on! Y. Li, How chinese scientists discovered qinghaoso (artemisinin) and developed its derivatives? Since the dawn of mankind, in fact, the use of herbs/plants has offered an effective medicine for the treatment of illnesses. Patel, E. T. Bhat AV, Pattabiraman TN. Acciones como la de simple nulidad, nulidad con restablecimiento del derecho y la acción contractual son utilizadaspara dicho control. T. Lewith, Who uses CAM a narrative review of demographic characteristics and health factors associated with CAM use, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol.

Sci; 900:65-76. Antidiabetic Herbal Drugs and Polyherbal Formulation Used For Diabetes: Keywords: Plant, Glucose, Diabetes, Herbal, Insulin, J. T, Amachree, E. C. Bucşa, A. Int. Microbiol. M. A, 2002. Hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and antioxidant properties of combination of Curcumin from Curcuma longa, Linn and partially purified product from Abroma augusta, Linn. L. Journal of ethanopharmacology 85(2003) 23-35. Menichini, 2007. L. Nahin, Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults and children: United States, 2007, National Health Statistics Reports, no. Also the effects on the biochemical and haematological parameters were evaluated on the two formulations. F. L. Bishop and G. J. Pharm. Sci, 4: 228-234 Klaasen, C. D, M. The Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) and Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) showed no appreciable changes while Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH) level recorded marked increase in all the animals treated with the formulations compared to the normal. Abstract: Physicochemical characteristics viz, turbidity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, hardness and alkalinity of water were studied in the pond and laboratory for culturing the Freshwater Mussel Lamellidens marginalis. There were no significant changes in MCHC and MCV signifying that the polyherbal medicine did not regenerative anemia. And so on. Spread of Aedesalbopictusand decline of Ae. Malaspina and M. E. Ogunjinmi and T. If herbal resources are inappropriately exploited, the extinction of many plant species will inevitably occur, with a resulting adverse alteration of the ecological environment. There are more than 30 kinds of procedures involving stir-frying (Chao), calcining (Daun), steaming (Zheng), boiling (Zhu), and so forth. Dodds J. H. and Roberts L. Ramteke, P. W. These days the water of pond is not used for drinking purpose but is used for bathing, washing, irrigation, sewage discharge and waste thrown by people which disturb the ecobalance of the pond. The blood sugar level was monitored with a glucometer (Accu-chek, Roche Diagnostics) after 72 h and the rats with plasma glucose levels >200 mg dL-1 were classified as diabetic and were used for the study. WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, +. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. Moxifloxacin versus ethambutol in the first 2 months of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis. Swabs from pooled samples were collected aseptically and processed according to standard bacteriological methods. Dares Salaam, Tanzania, 2001, 10-15. In Israel, 129 plant species are used in AM for the treatment of various diseases. Generally, there was insignificant (p≥0.05) increase in b.wt. R. Baum, D. Gagnon, and J. H. Hong, The current situation and perspective of TCM aerosols, Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, vol. Southern hybridisation studies suggested that this gene is likely to be a single-copy gene. Homology search of amino acid sequences showed more than 80% similarity with Caenorhabditis species and 40-50% with other vertebrate and invertebrate myosin light chains. L. ; Gomez, H. J. AM. Mosq. By 2001, researchers had identified 122 compounds used in modern medicine which were derived from plant/herb sources.

Antidiabetic herbal formulation for diabetes zones

In recent decades, studies have shown that American ginseng, like the Chinese one, also possesses neuroprotective, cardioprotective, antidiabetic, antioxidant, and anticancer properties, as well as the ability to alleviate symptoms of the common cold [37, 38]. J. Kaptchuk, and J. The 6th Indian Pharmacopeia released in 2010 recognized 55 crude herbal drugs, 26 extracts, 3 finished formulations, and 2 pharmaceutical aids that are marketed [104]. The median acute toxicity values (LD50) of the formulations were, respectively determined to be 15.0 and 15.65 g kg-1 body weight (b.wt.). Lee, J. Chou and M. Figure 3 shows the traditional processing methods of CHM, together with their pharmaceutical processing procedures, which are still employed in the pharmaceutical industry of CMM in China [57]. E.; Miranda, A.; Lopez, E. Acute toxicity study: The toxicity study was carried out using thirty-five Swiss albino mice (22.5±2.5 g) of both sexes. In this section, two important issues related to herbal medicine are discussed. Abstract: Background Many cases of Cutaneous Larva Migrans (CLM) have been observed among devotees, during and immediately after the annual festival at the Nallur Hindu temple in Jaffna. The photomicrograph of hepatic tissue of diabetic control (Fig. Demirkaya F, Kadioglu Y, Determination of carbamazepine using RP-HPLC method in pharmaceutical preparations, Journal of Pharmaceutical Science. Bauer, G. and Wachter, K. Alchemy is the predecessor of chemical discipline that led to the development of natural science in modern times. Unfortunately, many plant species on earth have become endangered as the consumption of herbs and herbal products continues to increase world-wide. Tyagi, M. Singh, and C. A. Chaudhary and N. Methodology/Principal Findings A cross-sectional study using an interviewer-administered questionnaire and observation was conducted in August 2010. There was no specification of the quantity of each plant material used. Bloom, and R. The animals post treated with formulation A, (Fig. Availability of essential elements in nutrient supplements used as antidiabetic herbal formulations. Diabetes mellitusHerbal formulation Environment deals with the inter relationship between environment and economic development. Plant species from the western Mediterranean coastal region (from Alexandria to Sallum, Egypt) comprise 230 species belonging to 48 families; 89% of the species had medicinal value, 62% of the species were common, approximately 24.9% were occasional, and 13% were rare [118]. Doufas AG and Mastorakas G. In: Biology, McGraw Hill, New York; P:1207-09. Gynecol; 26:647. Chandley AC, Edmond P, Christie S, Gowans l, Fletcher J,Frackiewicz A, et al. However, the globalization of trade and market has brought about an integration of different kinds of herbal medicines over the world. A. In glibenclamide treated (Fig. The Panax family consists of at least nine species, including ginseng, panax quinquefolium, panax notoginseng (Sanqi), and Panax japonicus (Japanese ginseng) [40]. 2006年10月4日 -  FS002, a polyherbal Siddha formulation intended to be used for diabetic The dose required to produce significant antidiabetic activity in. Dong et al, New perspectives on chinese herbal medicine (Zhong-Yao) research and development, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. The dosage forms utilized in AHM include decoction, infusion, oil, juice, syrup, roasted materials, fresh salads or fruits, macerated plant parts, milky sap, poultice, and paste, of which some formulations of herbal drugs are still used today [128]. E. Lev and Z. Indian Journal of Pediatrics,2004;71:315-5. Popular Articles » HERBAL MEDICINE FOR DIABETES MELLITUS: pH and zones of inhibition of extract and formulated ointment while Herbal formulation; Daniel, M. (2009). B. Saunders Co, Philadelphia, USA, pp: 849-944. Abstract: Lymphatic filariasis is a tropical disease caused by filarial parasites including Wuchereria bancrofti. E, Yuan, J,(2010). Rs. in the pharmaceutical industry), with a growth rate of 15% [106]. A total of two thousand dead-in-shell eggs from the hatchery facility of the Nigerian Agricultural Production and Research Institute (NAPRI), Samaru, Zaria were sampled over a period of 5 months to assess the prevalence of Candida species. In hypoglycemic study and OGTT, there was a significant decrease in Blood Glucose Level (BGL) in normal rats with formulation PD3, marginal decrease in formulation PD2 and very less decrease in formulation PD1. V. (1989). Hand book of Freshwater Molluscs of India, Zoological survey of India, Calcutta. Anti-diabetic, anti-oxidant and antihyperlipidemic activities of Melastomamalabathricum Linn. However, at present, the treatment of patients with TB or multidrug-resistant TB using conventional drug therapy requires 6 or 18-24 months, respectively [143]. A multitude of threats on stable and secure yields of this crop exists including losses caused by pathogens like bacteria, virus, fungi and nematode. Cardiovasc. Res, 96(1): 32-37. Aquat. Bot. 23: 391-396. Southampton, UK: University of Southampton. Geneva. 2005. In Brazil, it is estimated that there are almost 55,000 native species, at least 1,200 documented medicinal plants, and probably many more undocumented species used by various indigenous groups [153]. View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus. Orolepe, 2008. There was significant increase in AST level of the animals treated with highest doses of the respective formulations while significant increase in ALT level was observed only in the animals treated with formulations B. suffering with diabetes drugs and formulated as poly herbal formulation in given in the table no.1 and the zones of inhibition by poly herbal Pero la naturaleza de las acciones contencioso administrativas como el contratoy de los demás actos dictados en la actividad de contratación indican cómodebe ser ese control; por lo que no puede existir una asignación caprichosade competencias, vulnerando principios generales referentes al contrato, lasacciones y el control de legalidad. Lymph Nodes and Spleen: Pathologic Basis of Disease. Int J Cancer 99: 624-627, 2002. Groups II and III had two sub groups for formulations A and B. Rahman MA, Nahar N, Mian AJ, Moshiuzzaman M. Crook, M. A, 2006. A basic human right, Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, vol. Thus, extraction of active principles of the herbal drugs is done through self-generated alcohol. According to the official body of Japanese kampo medicine (the practice of CHM in Japan), 36 kinds of CHMs were brought by Jian Zhen for use in Japan; they include ephedra, asarum, peony, monkshood, polygalaceae, astragalus, licorice root, angelica, bupleurum, Chuanxiong, scrophulariaceae, scutellaria, platycodon, anemarrhena, pinellia, schisandra, and eucommia [42]. The antifungal activity of the fractions was evaluated on two common pathogenic fungi Candida albicans and Cryptcocus neoframens. Z. Y. Tang and G. I. Akpanabiatu, F. This book was later translated into different languages, including Japanese, Korean, English, French, Russian, and Latin, and it has become a major historical reference on CMM. Currently, multidrug therapy or polypharmacy, also known as multiple drug intake or cocktail treatment, which involves therapeutic interventions using combinations of drugs (herbal versus chemical, herbal versus herbal, and chemical versus chemical) through pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic pathways or both [133-136], is commonly practiced in clinical situations. Phytopharmacological Profile of Elephantopus scaber: Farha Arakkaveettil Kabeer and Remani Prathapan: Medicinal plants are highly esteemed as a rich source of new therapeutic agents for the prevention and treatment of diseases. The results implied that the simulation of increased productivity, better farm financing and improved milk marketing could result in enhanced livestock production that would meet the future demands. H. Singh, Prospects and challenges for harnessing opportunities in medicinal plants sector in India, Law, Environment and Development Journal, vol. Abstract: The subsequent research deals with a fundamental plant tissue culture technique wherebymy primary aim is to develop a callus of the Datura (innoxia spp.) plant. Due to shortage of scientific evidence on the molecular mechanism of herbs, it is often considered as only an alternative choice to conventional drugs. Hien DS. 1975. WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Human Semen and Sperm-cervical Mucus Interaction.4th edn. Kajii, Integrating traditional medicine in Japan: the case of Kampo medicines, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, vol. Similarly, if the Chinese had not recognized the medicinal value of bezoars (gallstones from cattle), they would only have been treated as waste. In ancient Chinese times medicine (traditional Chinese medicine, TCM, e.g, Zhong-Yi in Chinese) and pharmacy (CHM, e.g, Zhong-Yao in Chinese) were already described as distinct disciplines. Geographically, China (from south to north) covers equatorial, tropical, subtropical, warm-temperate, temperate, and cold-temperate zones. LUH 2775 were deposited at the Department of Botany Herbarium, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos.

Lentz GM, Rogerio AL, David MG, et al. Over the past few years, herbal exports have steadily increased from US $1.09 billion in 2006 to US $1.46 billion in 2009 [61]. Calpain inhibitors such as SJA7019 and SJA7029 has attenuated ischaemia reperfusion induced increase in LDH,CK, myocardial infarct size, DNA smearing and apoptotic index. At present, herbal medications or related products in the global market are derived from Chinese herbs, Indian herbs, Arabic herbs, and Western herbs. Barks were subjected for extraction with pet. C. Carlos, M. Human Physiology. JP Tetteh and C. Objective To ascertain the risk factors associated with infestation and devotees' knowledge and practices regarding the condition. Leist, M. (1997). According to a study commissioned by the Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Indian herbal industry is projected to double to 150 billion Rs. Advances in Applied Microbiology. Abstract: The aim of the present investigation is to evaluate the immunomodulatory activity for methanolic extract of Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. online (etc) Fontana, R, M. Two of the 20 soil samples were positive for the nematode larvae and three out of five dog faeces were positive for hookworm eggs. WadhwaJyoti, Nair Anroop, KumariaRachna, Potential of Plant Mucilages in Pharmaceuticals and Therapy, Current Drug Delivery. Abstract: In recent times, the use of plants as a source of novel compounds to combat microbial infections has gained prominence. During the 8th century, Arabs in the Baghdad region were the first in history to separate medicine from pharmacological science.

An Introduction to the Principles of Disease. Khalil, M. F, Horth, A. T. Prueksaritanont, X. Latif, M. Ashraf and A. F. Clostre, Ginkgo biloba extract (EGb 761). Shen-Nong-Ben-Cao-Jing, the first known user guide to CHM, was written by authors who lived during the period immediately following the fall of the Han dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE). However, the export of 29 medicinal plants, including plant parts and their derivatives/extracts, obtained from wild sources, is prohibited by the Indian government [109]. Most medicines (conventional drugs) at present are chemically synthesized and some are isolated from naturally occurring plants on the basis of their use in traditional medicine. Group IV was glibenclamide treated while groups I and V were the control. M. A. Owolabi, 2011. The Middle East region is inhabited by more than 2,600 plant species, of which more than 700 species are noted for their use as medicinal herbs or botanical pesticides; however, only 200-250 plant species are still in use in traditional Arab medicine for the treatment of various diseases [124]. In this study, the formulations used were observed to have high loads of various microbial contaminants at levels higher than officially accepted limits. L. Yu, and K. Beyond global warming: ecology and global change. Shah, M. A. A, S. H. Raval, 1993. J. Bray and P. Since the 8th century, the practice of AHM has been using natural remedies, both organic (such as camel urine) and inorganic types, for the prevention and treatment of diseases [122]. The embedded tissues were sectioned at 5 μm, mounted on a slide and stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H and E) (Mbaka and Owolabi, 2011). G. A. Cordell, Sustainable drugs and global health care, Quimica Nova, vol. G. Jadar, and V. Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology. Abstract: Syleptaderogata, a prominent pest of Okra in the Niger Delta of Nigeria causes both defoliation of Okra leaves and abscission of pods and seeds during the rainy seasons. Bernabew et al, 2004. Analysis of the amino acid sequence with the NCBI conserved domain database for interactive domain family identified the protein as a member of calcium binding protein family as it comprised of two highly conserved EF hand motifs, and may suggest a possible function in Ca2+ binding. Ekaidem, I. S, M. Blood sugar lowering effect of Vernonia amygdalina Del, in an experimental rabbit model. The leaves of Hyptis suaveolens were harvested and dried under shade. CHM (also called Han medicine) was developed by the Han ethnic group. H. Gao, S. F. New York: Wiley. In the present study it is concluded that inhibition of intracellular death proteases prevented ischaemia reperfusion induced apoptosis induced necrotic cell death. Phytopathology 75, 25-29. Polenakovic, M. Adetokunbo, O. A. Chaudhary, N. T. W. Corson and C. S. Bawa, Utilization of byproducts and waste materials from meat, poultry and fish processing industries: a review, J. B. Sneed, S.

Significant decrease (p≤0.01) was observed in the haemoglobin content and PCV volume. A. Crag, 1999. Journal of botany, 22, 2007, 18-19. Fede, M. Nobuo et al, Adverse drug reactions and drug interactions as causes of hospital admission in oncology, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, vol. Trop. J. Pharm. Egwim, E, 2005. Tietz, N. W, 1982. The results showed that the respective formulations had both good hypoglycaemic activity and beneficial effects on the plasma lipid profile by ameliorating dislipidaemia. Therefore, Chinese climatic conditions are suitable for the growth and reproduction of various animals and plants. Plant products are considered to be alternative means as they are environmentally safe and biodegradable. Johnson MD. Genetic risks of intracytoplasmic sperm injection in the treatment of male infertility: recommendations for genetic counseling and screening. Antidiabetic herbal formulation for diabetes numbers Springer: Berlin. Therefore, the multitarget herbal formula can produce a wide range of therapeutic effects. Abstract: Although India possesses the large volume of livestock, their productivity is abysmally low at global level. Shrikant Baslingappa Swami, N. The un-tampered procured polyherbal formulation bottles were stored in a refrigerator at 4-6°C until the quantity needed for the purity test was aseptically taken. Herbalism is a traditional medicinal or folk medicine practice based on the use of plants and plant extracts. Mudigonda S, Narashima RA, Shakil S, Mukkanti K, Stability indicating HPLC method for the determination eslicarbazepine acetate and its impurities in bulk drug and pharmaceutical dosage form, Journal of Liquid Chromatography Related Technologies 2012, 35:1550-64. World Health Organization. The optimal ranges for the survival of Mussels were detected for the culture maintenance. The founding of China has brought about a hitherto unprecedented development of CHM in Chinese history. China has 56 ethnic groups, meaning that there are 56 kinds of culture, language, and herbal medicine. Blanco, M.; Blanco, J. AnnalsofTropicalMedicine and Parasitology. A. Raveesha, 2006. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Rehmannia Six Formula), which is a well-known Chinese herbal formula used for the treatment of 137 kinds of diseases in China, consists of six Chinese herbs: Radix Rehmanniae nourishes kidney Yin and essence (minute substances for supporting life); Fructus Corni nourishes the liver/kidney and restrains the leakage of the essence; Rhizoma Dioscoreae tonifies spleen Yin and consolidates the essence; Rhizoma Alismatis promotes urination to prevent buildup of significant fluids; Poria drains dampness from the spleen; Cortex Paeoniae clears liver fire [145-147]. S. Goutelle, L. Srinivas and J. Aliabbas, V. One and one can add up to more than two. Phytochemical screening of the extracts revealed that, there were variations in their phytochemical constituents. Alli and N. Nwakakwa, 2010. Sub-acute toxicity studies on pendimethalin in rats.
Technol, 98, 2007, 232-238. Significant increase (p≤0.05) in alanine aminotransferases (ALT) levels was observed in the groups treated with formulation B while marginal increase occurred in the group treated with formulation A. In the present study, ethanolic extracts of leaves of Pongamia pinnata, Coleus forskohlii, and Datura stramonium were evaluated for oviposition deterrent activity against Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. Plant drugs and herbal formulation are its antidiabetic property is Induction of experimental diabetes: Streptozotocin There is the need, therefore, to encourage the use of alternative therapy with plants and plant derived products being considered to have less side effect and low toxicity. Role of these amylase inhibitors in management of type II diabetes mellitus is discussed. Zones of clearance of There are many reports on herbal extracts with It is well known that ancient Hippocratic-Greek medical knowhow was adapted and improved by Arabian herbalists, pharmacologists, chemists, and physicians in the Middle Ages. ILAR, 1996. Commission on life science. Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poison. Lack of insulin affects the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat. Ancient and modern people take medicines to fight illness or to feel better when they are sick. Effects of aqueous leaves extract of Ocimum gratissimum on blood glucose levels of streptozocin-induced diabetic wistar rats. A large area of catchment is used for agriculture and for vegetable crops. C. Mishra and S. Fact sheet N◦104. Mosq News 42: 179 - 183. Post-harvest management of ber (Ziziphus mauritiana lamk) fruit rot fungicides and their combinations.

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