Wednesday 20 July 2016

Antidiabetic herbal formulation principles :: Curcumin Pharmacokinetic and..

K. Granner, Epigallocatechin gallate, a constituent of green tea, represses hepatic glucose production, Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. P. Narmadha, Effect of silymarin in diabetes mellitus patients with liver diseases, Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, vol. Kahn et al. [38] observed that the levels of glucose transporters types 1 and 4 (GLUT1 and GLUT4) are progressively decreased in muscles of STZ-diabetic rats with the extent of the diabetes, although in this present study a reduction in GLUT4 content in muscle plasma membrane of diabetic rats (DYOG) in comparison with normal rats (NYOG) was not found, after a glucose overload (Figure 5(b)); these differences may be due to periods of diabetes studied (Kahn study: 7-14 days; present study: 19 days). J. T. Xie, C. Pancreatic cells are the only endocrine cells known to produce insulin. R. Rhoden, Resveratrol and red wine function as antioxidants in the nervous system without cellular proliferative effects during experimental diabetes, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, vol. So far, no antidiabetic agents, used alone or in combination, have been able to cure this disease in humans. Gingerol and shogaol are the main active compounds in ginger extract. Come here. The similarity in the rate of glucose disappearance after a glucose overload (Figures 3(b) and 3(d)) or insulin administration as well as in the values (Figures 4(b) and 4(d) and inserted table) of normal rats after 1 and 15 days of treatment represents that the tissue responsiveness to insulin is maintained in these animals over the experimental period. D. Haberer, M. Kim, K. Lee, et al, Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) ameliorates type 1 diabetes and restores immune cell compartments, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. S. Lee, S. H. So far, no active components have been identified. Corroborating the hypothesis that curcumin metabolite(s) has pivotal importance in determined biological activities when curcumin is administered orally, Neyrinck et al. Some clinical studies have demonstrated that P. Although the Cl was not different between these administration routes, for oral administration was higher than for i.v. Gomez, and C. N. Nuraliev Yu and G. Varghese, Partial regeneration of β-cells in the islets of Langerhans by Nymphayol a sterol isolated from Nymphaea stellata (Willd.) flowers, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, vol. Ignacimuthu, Cinnamaldehyde-A potential antidiabetic agent, Phytomedicine, vol. Michel Leandro Campos, Helen Mariana Baldan-Cimatti, Rosângela Gonçalves Peccinini, Silvia Paula-Gomes, Isis Carmo Kettelhut, and Amanda Martins Baviera contributed to new reagents or analytical tools. L. Reyes, Prevention of alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus in the rat by silymarin, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C, vol. Primary antibodies were detected by peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies (Cell Signaling, Danvers, MA, USA) and visualized with enhanced chemiluminescence reagents (SuperSignal West Pico Chemiluminescent Substrate, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) and detected with C-Digit Blot Scanner (LI-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA). Long-term consumption of mate tea significantly increases serum insulin and ameliorates hyperglycemia and insulin resistance in mice [101]. G. M. M. Alberti, and J.

Lijo Cherian, V. Zamilpa et al, Effect of a polyphenol-rich extract from Aloe vera gel on experimentally induced insulin resistance in mice, American Journal of Chinese Medicine, vol. Normal and diabetic rats were treated by gavage at 08:00 h and 17:00 h, for 15 days. The chemical and biological properties of the compounds discussed in this section are summarized in Table 1. Tran, C. C. Duke, and B. C. aromaticum) have long been used as flavoring agents and in drinks and medicines worldwide [135]. J. H. Kim, M. And so on. These data suggest that curcumin, a bioactive compound of turmeric, ameliorates T2D via regulation of insulin resistance and -cell function [99]. Of note, momorcharin and momordicin, isolated from M. This study demonstrated that curcumin can prevent T2D in humans [177]. Contreras, T. All the drugs can diminish hyperglycemia. By Clinton J. Choate L. Ac. According to TCM, diabetes mellitus is classified as upper, middle or lower xiao-ke (wasting and thirsting syndrome) and is generally However, the in vivo protective role of the extracts and ginsenosides in cells remains to be further verified. Benboubetra, and S. Kavas, and D. S. Bian, and F. T. Vuong, A. Although the dose and the route of administration were similar between the studies, it can be suggested that the slight difference in the half-life values may be due to differences in the animal's body weight, since Yang and colleagues used rats weighing between 280 and 320 g, which could be influencing the and increasing the elimination half-life of curcumin. Therefore, herbal medicine can complement orthodox therapy in T2D and provides hope for a cure. Targeting -cell failure early in disease progression has evolved as a new approach to treat T2D [9]. Liu, H. Asare-Anane et al, A novel Gymnema sylvestre extract stimulates insulin secretion from human islets in vivo and in vitro, Phytotherapy Research, vol. T. Cefalu, Bioactives in blueberries improve insulin sensitivity in obese, insulin-resistant men and women, Journal of Nutrition, vol. P. Padmakumari, B. Aside from medication, the importance of diet and lifestyle management in preventing and alleviating T2D should not be neglected. Ulbricht, G.

Antidiabetic herbal formulation principles

Aside from antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective activities, the modes of action through which silymarin and/or milk thistle exert antidiabetic activity are not well understood [66-74]. One study showed that this compound promoted the partial generation of pancreatic islet cells [65]. G798-G807, 2003. Medicinal herbs have never become obsolete and still play a prominent role in human health care. Instead of listing each extract/compound, here, we select some plant chemicals and/or extracts with the ability to control blood glucose as well as to modulate at least one of the following mechanisms involved in insulin resistance: -cell function, incretin-related pathways, and glucose (re)absorption. Choi, Dietary red chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) is insulinotropic rather than hypoglycemic in type 2 diabetes model of rats, Phytotherapy Research, vol. Inulins (Raftilose) are soluble dietary fibers made of short-chain fructans present in the roots of chicory, Agave tequilana, Dasylirion spp, and so on. J. J. Holst and C. When used as a T2D therapy evidence suggests that resveratrol exerts its action through multiple mechanisms. Genistein improved diabetic complications such as vascular dysfunction and wound healing [198, 199]. J. Moon, S. K. A. A. Tahrani, C. Its seeds are used as a Chinese herbal medicine for pain, gastrointestinal diseases, and others. Of note, berberine had a mild antidyslipidemic effect on patients [94]. Miura, and K. Their chemical structures and antihyperglycemic activities and actions on -cell function ((re)generation and survival) in cells, animals, and T2D patients are discussed. A. Wu, S. Mehendale, H. Eight hours before the curcumin administration, the animals were deprived of food. C. Wu, Fagopyrum tataricum (buckwheat) improved high-glucose-induced insulin resistance in mouse hepatocytes and diabetes in fructose-rich diet-induced mice, Experimental Diabetes Research, vol. J. Hsu et al, Anti-diabetic properties of three common Bidens pilosa variants in Taiwan, Phytochemistry, vol. Glyceollins, the phytoalexins produced by soybeans in response to fungi, were demonstrated to reduce hyperglycemia. T. Kodera, S. Figure 1: Etiology, development, and current therapies for T2D. Precision and accuracy were evaluated together at four concentration levels or quality controls (QC): high-QC (HQC) 400 ng/mL, medium-QC (MQC) 125 ng/mL, lower-QC (LQC) 25 ng/mL, and the LLOQ-QC 10 ng/mL. Roasting at high temperature can convert chlorogenic acid into quinides, which are known to reduce blood glucose levels in animal models [126]. S590-S594, 2007. Cumming, G. Manoharan, H. P. ginseng and North American ginseng (P. A. Saxena and N. All precision and accuracy results are within the acceptance criteria (Table 1). Evidences about the biological activity of curcumin metabolites are increasing. By far the most popular approach to treating T2D is glycemic control in an attempt to reduce complications and death. This compound has multiple functions ranging from inflammation inhibition and cancer suppression to reduction of metabolic syndrome and other activities [93, 152-155]. Currently, no antidiabetic drugs have been proven clinically effective for the prevention of -cell atrophy although thiazolidinediones (TZDs) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogues have reported to be effective in animals [10-12]. G. sylvestre increased plasma insulin and C-peptide levels and decreased blood glucose concentrations in T2D patients [79]. Arimboor, P. Lee, and E. Ernst, Red ginseng for type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials, Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, vol. Ebert, and W. The constants of absorption () and elimination () were calculated by the equation 0.693/, where is the half-life of absorption or elimination, respectively. C. Hsu, J. W. L. Dey, J. T. Huang, Modulating gut microbiota as an anti-diabetic mechanism of berberine, Medical Science Monitor, vol. Zhao, and F. The findings of the present study showed that diabetic rats treated for 15 days with curcumin incorporated in yoghurt had an increase in the AKT phosphorylation in gastrocnemius muscles (Figure 5(a)) in response to a glucose overload, which may explain the increased GLUT4 content (Figure 5(b)) in muscle plasma membranes of these rats, in comparison with diabetic rats treated only with yoghurt. S. C. Chien, P. C. Weidner, J. The curcumin half-life in our study was minutes (Table 4), while Yang and colleagues found it to be minutes [23]. B. pilosa is used as an herbal medicine for a variety of diseases. Dosing. Limited controlled studies exist. Clinical studies investigating antidiabetic effects have S. Kim, B. C. J. Li, T. Liu, L. D. Chakraborty, A. Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) seeds are used as a herbal medicine for menstrual pain, trauma, constipation, and diaphoresis in Korea and Asian countries [87]. Brun, L. Giovannoni, D. However, caffeine improved the function of adipocytes and the liver [225]. M. Reaven, From plant to patient: an ethnomedical approach to the identification of new drugs for the treatment of NIDDM, Diabetologia, vol. Emerging views on therapeutic strategies for type 2 diabetes are also discussed. Besides insulin, insulin releasers, insulin sensitizers, GLP-1 analogues/DDP-4 inhibitors, and a-glucosidase inhibitors and Sglt 2 inhibitors are common antidiabetic drugs. The sampling times were 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, and 60 minutes after the oral administration and 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 20, 30, and 45 minutes after the i.v. This phytochemical was also shown to decrease the fibrosis of pancreatic islet cells [63]. R. Kaur, M. Afzal, I. Ginseng (Panax ginseng) has been viewed as a panacea in oriental medicine. Z. Fu, W. Zhang, W. H. K. Cheng, and K. Consistently, another clinical study exhibited that the ingestion of turmeric increased postprandial serum insulin levels in healthy subjects. Jamu is the Indonesian traditional herbal medicine that has been practised for many centuries in the J. Carlson, S. Thereby, curcumin plasma levels are extremely low; however it is highly efficient as a therapeutic agent. W. C. S. Cho, W. This combination is derived from the manuscripts of ancient times. The obtained recovery for curcumin was %; however, there is no acceptance criterion to recovery, since the recovery reproducibility is good enough to stay within the accuracy and precision acceptance criteria. Vuksan, A systematic quantitative analysis of the literature of the high variability in ginseng (Panax spp.), Diabetes Care, vol. Ribes, Hypocholesterolaemic effect of fenugreek seeds in dogs, Atherosclerosis, vol. S. Jang, S. M. M. Williams, M.

Nakamura, and K. Ginger, Zingiber officinale, is commonly used as an ingredient in foods and medicine. Each curve concentration level matched to the accuracy acceptance criteria, of which accuracy range was 87.88-105.82%. K. Hosoda, M. Choi, S. M. Jeong, Y. Z. Fu, E. R. A. M. Ackermann and M. R. King, and G. The acceptance criterion for precision was a coefficient of variation (%) less than 15%, except at the LLOQ where it can be less than 20%. Strissel et al, Dietary blueberry attenuates whole-body insulin resistance in high fat-fed mice by reducing adipocyte death and its inflammatory sequelae, Journal of Nutrition, vol. online (etc)
Although there are studies showing the ability of curcumin to promote AKT activation [42] and to increase the GLUT4 content in plasma membranes of skeletal muscles cells [43, 44], the possibility of these responses to be exerted by curcumin metabolites cannot be ruled out, which is corroborated by the effect of the coadministration of piperine (40 mg/kg) and curcumin (90 mg/kg) [15]. S. Wolfram, D. D. X. Gram, B. A. Eskina, and K.

Yagasaki, Hypoglycemic effect of aspalathin, a rooibos tea component from Aspalathus linearis, in type 2 diabetic model db/db mice, Phytomedicine, vol. Taken together, adequate coffee consumption is beneficial for T2D and its complications. Pi, and J. Wu, Antihyperglycemic activity of kinsenoside, a high yielding constituent from Anoectochilus roxburghii in streptozotocin diabetic rats, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. P. Favari, and J. The chemical and biological properties of plants and phytochemicals regulating -glucosidase activity discussed in this section are summarized in Table 1. M. Laakso, Insulin resistance and its impact on the approach to therapy of Type 2 diabetes, International Journal of Clinical Practice, Supplement, no. Moreover, in addition to lack of efficacy and undesirable adverse effects, all current antidiabetic agents have a major shortcoming in that they are only designed to alleviate T2D and not to cure it. It has been used to reduce blood glucose level. V. Vuksan, J. Protein levels were determined using bovine serum albumin as standard [19]. R. Vianna, J. Lagreca, J. Kalitsky, and P. Jager, Cellular mechanisms of insulin resistance: role of stress-regulated serine kinases and insulin receptor substrates (IRS) serine phosphorylation, Current Opinion in Pharmacology, vol. J. Jeon, Diphlorethohydroxycarmalol isolated from Ishige okamurae, a brown algae, a potent α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibitor, alleviates postprandial hyperglycemia in diabetic mice, European Journal of Pharmacology, vol. Luo, Ginseng on hyperglycemia: effects and mechanisms, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. First, this compound can activate AMPK and the downstream molecules, leading to diminution of insulin resistance in db/db mice [121, 122]. Free tutorials! Y. Wu, J. P. M. H. Pittler, K. A clinical study indicated that resveratrol can improve glycemic control in T2D patients [125]. B. Qin, K. S. M. Habeck, Diabetes treatments get sweet help from nature, Nature Medicine, vol.

In fact, it was observed that the treatment for 15 days with curcumin promoted a most evident benefit on glucose metabolism of diabetic rats, improving both the glucose tolerance (Figure 3(c)) and the insulin sensitivity (Figure 4(c) and inserted table). Fenugreek is considered a promising agent for diabetes and its complications [34]. C. Chen, Y. Zhang, and C. T. Mae, H. Kishida, T. Mao, Y. Wu, and J. Sglt 2 inhibitors were disproved by the FDA because of a safety issue. Reduction of dietary saccharides or inhibition of glucose from oligosaccharide degradation by -glucosidases in intestines helps to diminish blood glucose level. F. Lang et al, GNOSIS: guidelines for neuro-oncology: standards for investigational studies-reporting of surgically based therapeutic clinical trials, Journal of Neuro-Oncology, vol. Epidemiological investigations have established an association between dietary fat and T2D. Twenty-four hours before the curcumin administration, the animals were submitted to vein and/or artery catheter implantation. Glucotoxicity, lipotoxicity, ER/oxidative stress, inflammation, and incretin impairment are risk factors for -cell dysfunction. Another study confirmed that water extracts of B. There were no statistical differences in the values between NYOG and NC90 rats after 1 or 15 days of treatment (Figure 4, inserted table, N groups). M. Nauck, F. Lee et al, Berberine suppresses proinflammatory responses through AMPK activation in macrophages, American Journal of Physiology, vol. Benefits of. A. S. Attele, Y. Unfortunately, the molecular target of cinnamon and cinnamaldehyde remains unclear. Curcumin plasma concentration versus time profiles can be seen in Figure 2. Neyrinck, M. It has been found to have an anabolic effect. Park et al, Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) improves insulin sensitivity and attenuates the development of diabetes in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty rats, Metabolism, vol. L. Tie, Y. An, J. L. Villanueva-Peñacarrillo, I. S. Murthy, Mechanism of action of a hypoglycemic principle isolated from fenugreek seeds, Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, vol. Zeng, Astragalus prevents diabetic rats from developing cardiomyopathy by downregulating angiotensin II type2 receptors' expression, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, vol. Paul, J. Mudgal et al, Antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic and antioxidant effects of the flavonoid rich fraction of Pilea microphylla (L.) in high fat diet/streptozotocin-induced diabetes in mice, Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, vol. Contrarily, the renal tubule can recover 90% of urine glucose, contributing to glucose homeostasis in the body. Sellin, D. Radovan, A. Y. Latha, Antihyperglycaemic effects of ethanol extracts of Carica papaya and Pandanus amaryfollius leaf in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice, Natural Product Research, vol. The insulin sensitivity was not also different for the comparison between DYOG and DC90 after 1 day of treatment, since these groups showed similar rates of glucose disappearance after insulin administration and similar values (Figure 4, inserted table, D groups). Insulin sensitivity was progressively decreased in diabetic rats, since after insulin administration the DYOG group was not able to reduce the glycemia levels as efficiently as NYOG, in both 1st day (Figures 4(a) and 4(b)) and 15th day (Figures 4(c) and 4(d)) of experiment. K. M. Yoo, C. It has been reported that silymarin can rescue -cell function in alloxan-treated rats [68]. Since hyperglycemia is implicated in diabetic complications and death in patients, better regulation of glycemic maintenance ameliorates progression and severity of T2D.
Stockmann, R. I. Clinical trial in new cases of diabetes mellitus, Phytomedicine, vol. In addition, coffee consumption might also mediate levels of GLP-1 [127]. R. S. Clements and D. Y. Deng, C. C. These compounds lowered blood glucose, fat weight, and dyslipidemia [40] indicating that licorice and its active amorfrutins exert their antidiabetic function via the PPAR- pathway. However, no significant differences in the level of blood glucose, insulin, or fatty acids were observed [85]. G. M. Do, U. Louis, MO, USA), dinitrophenol, and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were obtained from Sigma Aldrich (St. The homogenates were centrifuged at 15,500 ×g at 4°C for 40 minutes and the supernatant was used for analysis. The oral bioavailability was about 0.47%. Abraham, and M. Click here. J. Bailey, Xiaoke tea, a Chinese herbal treatment for diabetes mellitus, Diabetic Medicine, vol. This discrepancy may be the result of a variation in active ginsenosides in ginseng [168]. G. elata has been utilized as Chinese medicine for blood circulation and memory [52]. Combination treatment of berberine with other OAAs showed better glycemic control than either treatment alone. Park, et al, Resveratrol ameliorates diabetes-related metabolic changes via activation of AMP-activated protein kinase and its downstream targets in db/db mice, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, vol. Y. K. Hye and K. Also, AKT phosphorylation and GLUT4 plasma membrane levels are also similar between NYOG and NC90 rats (Figures 5(a) and 5(b)). J. Meile, M. U. Häring, Comparison between a basal-bolus and a premixed insulin regimen in individuals with type 2 diabetes-results of the GINGER study, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, vol. PK profile was evaluated after a single administration of 10 mg/kg b.w. New therapeutic classes of diabetes medications that act to regulate -cell function could be clinically potent in reversing the disease. A. Peterson, and D. Recent progress in the understanding of the biological actions, mechanisms, and therapeutic potential of compounds and extracts of plant origin in type 2 diabetes is summarized.

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