Monday 4 July 2016

Antidiabetic herbal formulations wikipedia :: POLYHERBAL FORMULATIONS FOR ANTI DIABETIC THERAPY

By the end of 2012, the domestic market is expected to reach 145 billion Rs. Chen, and G. More than 600 herbal formulae and 250 single plants are included in the Pharmacy of Ayurvedic treatment [103]. The Middle East region is inhabited by more than 2,600 plant species, of which more than 700 species are noted for their use as medicinal herbs or botanical pesticides; however, only 200-250 plant species are still in use in traditional Arab medicine for the treatment of various diseases [124]. In 2010, CHM manufacturing assets in China exceeded 300 billion RMB, an increase of about 18%, nearly 5 percentage points higher than the year before; the number of CMM pharmaceutical enterprises amounts to more than 2,300, total investment in fixed assets totaled nearly 500 billion RMB, an increase of about 16% compared to the previous year [58]. Wele, A progressive review of Sandhana kalpana (Biomedical fermentation): an advanced innovative dosage form of Ayurveda, Ayurveda, vol. Antidiabetic herbal formulation for adrenal fatigue 8 dpo M. M. Al-Harbi, S. K. M. Ajlouni, Values, qualifications, ethics and legal standards in Arabic (Islamic) medicine, Saudi Medical Journal, vol. The Red Data Book of India released in 2012 described 3,947 species as critically endangered, 5,766 as endangered, and more than 10,000 species as vulnerable [92] (Figure 6). Therefore, herbal treatment resembles a cocktail treatment or magic shrapnel (multidrugs act on multiple targets) [149]. S. Dev, Ancient-modern concordance in ayurvedic plants: some examples, Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. Herbs used in AYM include essential oils extracted from plants, fruits, vegetables, and common spices. K. C. Nicolaou, Z. Due to the additive and/or synergistic interactions among the drugs, or the suppression of adverse effects, multidrug therapy appears to be effective in treating diseases such as cancer, AIDS, malaria, diabetes, hypertension, MRSA, and chronic diseases associated with old age.

H. Hamman, Combination therapy of Western drugs and herbal medicines: recent advances in understanding interactions involving metabolism and efflux, Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, vol. H. Singh, Prospects and challenges for harnessing opportunities in medicinal plants sector in India, Law, Environment and Development Journal, vol. In Brazil, it is estimated that there are almost 55,000 native species, at least 1,200 documented medicinal plants, and probably many more undocumented species used by various indigenous groups [153]. Some of the well-known units (with an annual turnover of more than 500 million Rs.) include Dabur, Zandu, Himalaya, Shree Baidyanath, and Arya Vaidya. In general, most herbal remedies/formulae are considered to be safe and are well tolerated because they have been successfully used for thousands of years as foods to promote health and as medicines to treat diseases. Saini, K. Saini, and G. C. B. Sun, B. Article ID e41297, 2012. However, in some cases, life-threatening interactions were reported when used together with other drugs [139]. Countless facts have indicated that herbal preparations or formulations can be used for the treatment of many common as well as complex diseases for all ages, with a minimum of adverse side effects compared to conventional drugs. Farcaş, I. Cazacu et al, How many potential drug-drug interactions cause adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients? Some of these compounds include tubocurarine, morphine, codeine, aspirin, atropine, pilocarpine, ephedrine, vinblastine, vincristine, taxol, podophyllotoxin, camptothecin, digitoxigenin, gitoxigenin, digoxigenin, capsaicin, allicin, curcumin, and artemisinin. Some drugs are prepared from excretory plant products such as gum, resins, and latex.

Antidiabetic herbal formulations wikipedia

Generally, the herbal remedies can be in various crude dosage forms like pills, powders, essential oil, infusions, or poultices. M. Snader, The influence of natural products upon drug discovery, Natural Product Reports, vol. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2010 version) listed 2,165 CHMs and their products. B. B. Aggarwal, S. S18-S88, 1999. In the Charaka Samhita, plant-derived drugs are divided into 50 groups according to their pharmacologic/therapeutic actions. D. Steyn, L. If Chinese ginseng had not served as a reference herb, the Panax family would certainly not have become so popular and might still be treated as ordinary grass. In terms of the literature on CHM, the theoretical aspects and practical experiences of several thousand years of usage are documented in more than 8,000 books; the total number of ancient literature about both CHM and TCM reached 13,000. The oldest text of AMM, the Rasa Vaisesika of Nagarjuna, who is considered the most important Buddhist philosopher after Buddha's death [71], was composed during the 5th century CE. Article ID e37113, 2012. For example, Tibetan herbal drugs have 2,172 rather than 1,085 varieties, not including 214 kinds of animal drugs and 50 kinds of mineral drugs [53]. Singh, and G. Wahile, Integrated approaches towards drug development from Ayurveda and other Indian system of medicines, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. Companies! L. Hu, Textual research of medicinal and edible plants in Shanhaijing, China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, vol. V. Dwivedi, E. Similarly, if the Chinese had not recognized the medicinal value of bezoars (gallstones from cattle), they would only have been treated as waste. They include decoction (Tang-Ji, hot water extract), tincture (Ting-Ji, ethanol extract), powders (San-Ji, powder form), bolus/pills (Wan-Ji, boluses or small pills containing herbal ingredients), pastes (Jin-Gao, extracts from organic solvents), granules, tablets, oral liquids, and injection liquids. Currently, 70 percent of Indians still rely on IM for their primary health care [66]. For example, seeds with kidney shape are used for treating kidney stones; roots shaped similar to the human body or fruits that resemble human testicles are traditionally used to stimulate sexual desire or treat sexual weakness; a yellow decoction or juice obtained from herbal leaves is used for treating jaundice and liver diseases [131, 132]. M. Asai, N. Iwata, T. More than 8,000 varieties of CHMs or related herbal products are now exported from China to more than 130 countries and regions worldwide; each year, more than 50 kind of CMMs are exported to the United States, including berberine, angelica, licorice, Fritillaria, turmeric, frankincense, Tianma, rhubarb, Eucommia, cloves, wolfberry, Panax, fresh ginseng, and pinellia [60]. The holistic and systematic development of CHM has resulted in an increase in the number of approved CHMs. B. Sneed, S. K. Vyas, Surgical procedures in Sushruta Samhita, International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, vol. In this text the various concepts of drug composition and action were described [72]. Kumar, Nootropic herbs (Medhya Rasayana) in Ayurveda: an update, Pharmacognosy Reviews, vol. P. Skaria, Medicinal Plants, in Tropical Horticulture, T. CHM has been influencing the world since ancient times. Lau, S. Y. Wong, E. It describes the physical form in which medication will be delivered into the body. It is estimated that there are about 350,000 species of existing plants (including seed plants, bryophytes, and ferns), among which 287,655 species have been identified as of 2004 [1]. In this context, we have published reviews on the status of CHM research and development as well as drug discovery in China [24]. Said, Traditional Arabic and Islamic medicine, a re-emerging health aid, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. L. Yu, and K. X. Chen, H. Zhou, Y. M. Crews, Molecular understanding and modern application of traditional medicines: triumphs and trials, Cell, vol. Azaizeh, Ethnopharmacological survey of medicinal herbs in Israel, the Golan Heights and the West Bank region, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, vol. A. H. Diacon, R.

Chu, C. Gibson et al, Drug-Drug interaction studies: regulatory guidance and an industry perspective, The AAPS Journal, vol. Although at present, we do not fully understand the exact facts and mechanisms underlying most traditional remedies and/or how they prevent disease that does not affect the enthusiasm of the public to accept CAM/CAMT [20]. A. Curlin, T. S. Dev, Ethnotherapeutics and modern drug development: the potential of Ayurveda, Current Science, vol. In contrast to CHM or IHM, the physical characteristics of the herbal size, shape, color, texture, and taste traditionally served as important criteria in their selection for therapeutic purposes. The Arabic world used to be the center of scientific and medical knowledge for many centuries (from 632 to 1258 CE) after the fall of the Roman Empire. Rabinarayan, Importance of media in Shodhana (purification/processing) of poisonous herbal drugs, Ancient Science of Life, vol. Bloom, and R. Free tutorials.
By 2001, researchers had identified 122 compounds used in modern medicine which were derived from plant/herb sources. Zhong-Hua-Ben-Cao, the most authoritative Chinese book with a complete record of CMM issued in 1999, lists 8,980 kinds of CHMs that are divided into 34 volumes and summarizes the contemporary research of Chinese medicine with modern science and technology.

G. A. Cordell, Sustainable medicines and global health care, Planta Medica, vol. There is no doubt that CHM, together with other ethnic herbal medicines in China, comprises a gold mine of potential modern medicines and health products. The Panax family consists of at least nine species, including ginseng, panax quinquefolium, panax notoginseng (Sanqi), and Panax japonicus (Japanese ginseng) [40]. N. Aswale, Literature for better health and clean environment. This book was later translated into different languages, including Japanese, Korean, English, French, Russian, and Latin, and it has become a major historical reference on CMM. For instance, the common cold is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory system, which primarily affects the nasal cavity. C. Bucşa, A. Glucolow pro thera vitamins 85208 Indian medicine/materia medica/herbal medicine (IM/IMM/IHM), also called Ayurvedic medicine/materia medica (AYM/AYMM), belongs to the traditional health care and longevity systems. Based on cultures and geographical regions, various kinds of herbal remedies have evolved. Pawar, Herbal drugs in milieu of modern drugs, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Archive, vol.

G. P. Kumar and F. Herbal medicines are therefore an integral part of culture and geographical environment, and various kinds of herbal medicines have their own unique way of understanding and treating a disease. Prasad, S. Reuter et al, Identification of novel anti-inflammatory agents from ayurvedic medicine for prevention of chronic diseases: Reverse pharmacology and Bedside to bench approach, Current Drug Targets, vol. V. Miranda, A. In recent years, increasing numbers of people have been choosing herbal medicines or products to improve their health conditions, either alone or in combination with others. G. Zhang, The exploration and clinical application of Luiwei Dihuang pill (decoction), Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine, vol. Shen-Nong-Ben-Cao-Jing, the first known user guide to CHM, was written by authors who lived during the period immediately following the fall of the Han dynasty (202 BCE-220 CE). B. Saad, H. Azaizeh, and O. Saad, K. Khalil, and O. A polypill containing amlodipine, losartan, hydrochlorothiazide, and simvastatin produces a significant effect in preventing heart attacks and strokes [144]. However, cold symptoms typically include coughing, sore throat, runny nose, headache, fever, and discomfort in the entire body. V. C. Chung, P. Pao-Zhi is a very ancient part of the practice of Chinese medicine, dating back at least 2,000 years. essay. Chinese herbology (simplified Chinese: 中药学; traditional Chinese: 中藥學; pinyin: zhōngyào xué) is the theory To date, more than 60 kinds of CHMs are still kept in the Nara Shosoin. Of the 250,000 higher plant species on earth, more than 80,000 are of medicinal value even in the genome era. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (Rehmannia Six Formula), which is a well-known Chinese herbal formula used for the treatment of 137 kinds of diseases in China, consists of six Chinese herbs: Radix Rehmanniae nourishes kidney Yin and essence (minute substances for supporting life); Fructus Corni nourishes the liver/kidney and restrains the leakage of the essence; Rhizoma Dioscoreae tonifies spleen Yin and consolidates the essence; Rhizoma Alismatis promotes urination to prevent buildup of significant fluids; Poria drains dampness from the spleen; Cortex Paeoniae clears liver fire [145-147]. The proven similarities between American ginseng and Chinese ginseng have been instrumental in boosting the market of the American product. To recognize the contribution of Jian Zhen, he was renowned as the father of kampo medicine by the Japanese. Ancient and modern people take medicines to fight illness or to feel better when they are sick. V. D. Devarkar, P.
A. Mashelkar, Traditional medicine-inspired approaches to drug discovery: can Ayurveda show the way forward? Thomas, S. Mathew, and B. Combination therapy of PA-824-moxifloxacin and pyrazinamide can kill over 99% of drug-sensitive and multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in patients with tuberculosis (TB) within 2 weeks. Durec, North American (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) preparations for prevention of the common cold in healthy adults: a systematic review, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. While therapeutic interventions using multiple drugs in modern medicine are based on an understanding of disease processes and drug mechanisms, the use of multicomponent herbal formulae (Fu-Fang in Chinese herbal medicine) is based on CM theory and practical experience. R. Kulkarni, K. IMM preparations on the market and/or Ayurvedic medical practice are complex mixtures including plant- and animal-derived products, minerals, and metals, as well as involving several specific preparatory steps or manufacturing processes. Qureshi, M. M. The concept of synergism in modern pharmacology encompasses two aspects: (1) pharmacodynamic synergy results from the enhancement of action when multiple biologically active substances are directed at related targets in a physiological system, which are often linked to the pathogenesis of a disease and (2) pharmacokinetic synergy can result from alterations in drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and/or elimination (Figure 10). K. Bose, J. Kabir, P. Subscribe Now! The crude herbal material may be ground into powders and put into capsules, cooked into teas, used topically, taken raw, and so forth. H. Hong, The current situation and perspective of TCM aerosols, Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine, vol. Z. Zhao, Z. Liang, K. Drug Discovery Today, vol. بسمه تعالی. تحقیق اینترنتی: معرفی مختصر گیاه لگجی آفات و بیماری های گیاه لگجی و روشهای Saad, E. Cooper, and O. In this section, two important issues related to herbal medicine are discussed. This formulation has longer shelf life, quick absorption and action, and excellent therapeutic efficacy as compared to other preparations [97]. L. Ottenberg, F. Kajii, Integrating traditional medicine in Japan: the case of Kampo medicines, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, vol. The CHM industry has always been one of China's traditional competitive industries.

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